What works best for you?


There are many names for energy work. Healing prayer, Reiki, Quantum touch, Healing touch…however they all have the same purpose in mind, which is to help you feel better and heal. The Universal Healing Energy attunes with your body’s innate ability to receive this healing energy which facilitates deep relaxation, pain relief, and personal growth. 


Aided stretching requires no physical ability. Utilizing aid with your stretches will help you improve flexibility and increase range of motion and reduce muscle and joint pain. By increasing flexibility and range of motion, aided stretching helps improve sports performance with less injury. Improved posture can help your overall health with less stress on your body. Stretching also benefits your mental well being by increasing blood and oxygen flow for better mental clarity.

Private Yoga
& Meditation

Private yoga sessions can be a great way to begin your yoga practice or advance in the practice you already have by helping you better understand the yoga poses and their positioning. Yoga requires no minimum  in physical activity. You will be met where you are. Hands on adjustments and support will allow you to learn and experience the poses and the benefits they have to offer. If you are new to the practice you will feel confident to join a class or practice on your own. If you are deepening your practice you will be able to let go and move more fully into the experience of the pose.

Yoga can assist you with migraines, body aches, back pain and mental clarity by undoing habits you may have formed, strengthening your body while at the same time teaching it how to relax. 

Meditation is a proven way to lower blood pressure and reduce stress. Many people feel they are unable or incapable of meditating, but with a few guided meditations you will be on your way to feeling confident with the practice. Aided stretching & alignment

Spiritual Coaching
& Companionship

Spiritual/Religious Coach

  • Has a goal of helping a client make spiritual decisions

  • Offers advice, suggestions, directives

  • Adhering to the particular tradition of the client

Spiritual Companion

  • Offers Spiritual support

  • Meets their clients where they are

  • Not about fixing but honoring the Soul’s individual journey

  • Aids the client in uncovering their own answers

  • No client goals or agenda

Spiritual Coach

  • Offers coaching on how to be “more” spiritual

  • How to become more kind, compassionate in a difficult world

  • As in other coaching approaches has specific goals to complete along certain trajectories.